Roadblocks to Diet and Fat Loss - 5 Foods to Avoid For Improved Diet and Fat Loss

Your diet and fat loss go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other. If you think you can eat Mcdonald's 3 times a day, do P90X and have a ripped body. Think again. Bodybuilders are built in the kitchen. Good nutrition is just as important, if not more important than what goes on in the gym.
Here are 5 foods to avoid to ramp up your fat loss efforts.

1) Eating too much sugar - The average Western diet is comprised of way too much sugar. We have a sweet tooth and we love feeding it. On average Americans consume approximately 100 pounds of sugar a year. That is an astronomical number compared to about 50 years ago. Our parents and grandparents consumed way less sugar than we do. The massive increase in sugar consumption is one of the main culprits for the scary increase in Type 2 Diabetes or Adult onset Diabetes cases.
2) Loading up on carbs - There are so many low-carb diets out there. The most famous being the South Beach Diet. Carbs have gotten such a bad reputation. Can you eat carbs and lose weight? Yes yes yes. But you can't go nuts eating carbs, you need to have a balanced diet. Your body needs carbs to function properly. The main energy source for your brain is carbohydrates. Try making it through a workout without carbs. Carbs are needed in your diet just not in bunches.
3) Not eating enough fruits and vegetables - This should not be an earth shattering revelation. But for some reason a lot of people do not eat enough fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. Try to eat a smoothie or a salad a day to increase your fruit and vegetable consumption. Smoothies and salads are easy to prepare and have endless possibilities for different recipes.
4) Big Macs - Eating fast food will no doubt negatively affect your diet and fat loss efforts. The Big Mac alone has 550 calories. If you get the meal with large fries and a large drink you will be chomping down on 1,350 calories! That is a good chunk of your daily calorie consumption in one meal! If you must eat fast food, then try some of the healthier options. Get a grilled chicken sandwich instead of the Big Mac. Or maybe even a salad.
5) Alcohol - There are differing opinions on this one. But the fact is drinking alcohol especially in large quantities does not exactly speed up your metabolism. Drinking in moderation is fine, but downing a whole 5th or a 6 pack will not get you the desired results you are looking for.
Avoid these 5 roadblocks to diet and fat loss to get you started on the right path. These are not the cure all for complete nutrition. But they are a good starting place.

And now I'd like to invite you to grab your Free Instant Access to the 7 day eCourse Love Your Body Love Your Life when you visit to help you with your diet and fat loss efforts.

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