Water is often overlooked in one's diet whether one is trying to lose weight or not. This is a sad state of affairs because water is crucial to our survival and plays an important role in how we feel and think. It nourishes us and shouldn't be something that we neglect.
Water becomes even more important when we are overweight. Generally, most people who have a weight issue will also be dehydrated. Dehydration is a very serious issue and shouldn't be neglected.
This article has been put together to convince you into making sure you get your water intake sorted. Below are 6 reasons why it is important.
Number 1 - Survival
Of course the number one reason for drinking water is for our survival. You need water to function and wouldn't last very long without it.
Number 2 - Weight Loss
Even though water seems to be neglected when it comes to weight loss, it is really important! Water doesn't have calories like your coffee, or sodas or orange juice and can be just the thing you need instead of something to eat. The more you drink, the better you feel and the less likely you are to mistake a desire to be hydrated for a desire to eat a full meal!
Number 3 - Energy
You may be "getting away" with living on caffeinated drinks and sodas to boost your energy and give you water, but these drinks take more than they give. They also dehydrate you too. On top of this, with eating foods that are processed and dry, you become even more dehydrated. When one becomes dehydrated you become tired and lethargic. This is a warning sign. Get any more dehydrated and you could be causing damage and potentially permanent damage to your body.
So if you want an energy boost just make sure you drink lots of water throughout the day. Make it a habit to carry a water bottle around with you so you can sip on it. If you can't let go off your caffeinated drinks, make sure you drink at least two glasses of water to every cup of coffee you have.
You can also increase your water intake by eating more raw fruits and vegetables too.
So if you are feeling lethargic, try having a glass of water.
Number 4 - Skin
The best way to help your skin stay healthy and beautiful is to make sure you get enough water. Drinking water also helps fight wrinkles and keep your skin's elasticity in check.
Number 5 - Pain
Making sure you get enough water will help reduce pain. If your joints ache, or your muscles easily cramp, try upping your water intake. You are less likely to suffer from cramps if you are fully hydrated.
Number 6 - Keeps You Cool
If you have trouble maintaining your body temperature then more water is what you need. Water helps the body maintain its temperature thus keeping you cool and able to adapt to different temperatures more easily.
Adding water into your diet and making it important in your weight loss or health goals doesn't have to be difficult. If anything, it should be your first goal. Cut out the sodas, processed juices and caffeinated beverages and make a commitment for one month to stick to water and herbal teas only. Once you have done this, it should be a good habit instilled in you and then you can work in adding in more fruit and vegetables for month 2. You could start with eating fruit 20 minutes before every meal for example.
For more healthy tips to lose weight check out: Healthy Weight Loss Diet [http://www.healthyweightlossdiets.org]. If you are struggling with stubborn cellulite you may want to check out our Cellulite Massager [http://www.cellulitemassagers.org/] site.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marie_Crawford
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