Five Ways Exercise Leads to Happiness And Can Change Your Life!

We all know that EXERCISE is essentially good for us, but just HOW good is the question? As a matter of fact, one of the most overlooked things people can do to make themselves happier is to exercise on a regular basis. With the daily lives we lead it is a known fact that stress, depression, anger and anxiety can creep on us and begin to compile to the point where we become unhappy with our lives and ourselves. In this article I will give you five amazing benefits on how exercise can increase your happiness and health for you and the entire family.

Many studies have shown that people who exercise on a regular basis benefit from a positive mood boost and show a lower rate of depression. Exercise releases a type of endorphin that makes you happy and with a feel good energy that reduces stress, anxiety and depression. Anxiety, depression and stress go hand in hand and is estimated that 9.5 percent of the U. S population age 18 and older has this type of mood disorder.
Another great way you can benefit from exercise is the ability to gain an improved and stronger Immune System which will help prevent against illnesses. Strengthen your cardiovascular system by exercising on a regular basis. By doing so, it allows the blood circulation to improve making it easier for cells to transport oxygen and nutrients and helps to flush away toxins from muscles and organs. Exercise followed by good nutrition will lessen your chances of susceptibility to disease.
Researchers have found that exercise improves your quality of sleep. Inadequate sleep leads to depression and cardiovascular disease among other health problems. There are many factors that give to an unhealthy sleeping pattern such as stress, unbalanced diet and no physical activity such as exercise. Studies have found that body temperature plays an important part of your good nights worth of sleep. For example, exercise raises your body temperature and it maintains higher for up to six hours, your body needs time to cool down so that you are able to fall asleep faster and comfortably. Having said that people who work out in the early mornings or afternoons will benefit the greatest.
One of the most important benefits gained from exercise is the increase of your self-confidence and self esteem. Exercise generates a sense of accomplishment and self worth. Believe it or not how you carry yourself in public, school or work is a direct reflection on the quality of life you live. Whether it be walking, running, aerobics, strength training, mixed martial arts you will be giving your body and mind a complete makeover. Experiencing the changes your body will endure with consistent exercise or training will change your entire outlook and quality of life because when you look good, you feel good and everyone around you will be able to notice the new and healthier you.
An extraordinary benefit gained from exercise is the ability to be able to control TYPE 2 DIABETES. It is a great way to help you control your weight and blood sugar level. Strength training and resistance training also has a profound impact on helping people manage type 2 diabetes by improving glucose tolerance, improve insulin sensitivity and helps lower your risk for heart disease. Aerobic exercises such as walking or swimming can also help control your blood sugar as well.
In conclusion, on an average sixty-five to eighty-five percent of the world's population fails to exercise. One of the most common excuse we hear is "I don't have time". If it is truly weight loss, better health and happiness you want then there will be no excuses. These benefits are achieved with your ability to take the initiative and find a program and stay consistent, dedicated and strive hard at obtaining your sense of well-being and health. With these unlimited benefits from exercise not only are you adding years to your life but increasing your happiness.

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