Should Nightshades Be Part of Any Healthy Diet Regimen?

Nightshades are a family of plants that are most widely consumed in the world but much less identified as such. This family is composed of plants such as:
  • Tobacco
  • Potatoes
  • Tomatoes
  • Eggplants
  • Chili peppers and Bell peppers
  • Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade)
Tobacco is the main component in cigarettes and cigars. The active compound in this plant is nicotine. This compound has been shown to be a major contributor to lung and heart diseases affecting millions of tobacco smokers worldwide. According to W.H.O (World Health Organization), tobacco consumption caused 5.4 million deaths worldwide in 2004.
Most people familiar with growing and cooking potatoes know that when they turn green, they are no longer edible. When potatoes are exposed to light for a certain period of time, they turn green due to increase in chlorophyll. However, chlorophyll is not the compound of concern here; Solanine, a toxic compound also increases. Solanine is a glycoalkaloid and it affects the nervous system in adverse ways. Symptoms of poisoning include nausea, diarrhea, coma, or even death in some cases. This is why it is not recommended to eat potatoes when they turn green. Even though we do not eat potatoes when they become highly toxic, we still eat them while they contain small amounts of these toxins. These toxins do accumulate in the body if eaten everyday without giving the body adequate time to detox.
Although tomatoes are touted for their high content in lycopene, which is an antioxidant that helps prevent colon cancer among other benefits, they also contain a host of toxic alkaloids among which solanine and tomatine. These two alkaloids, coupled together produce a wide range of issues in the body that can range from mild anxieties to panic attacks. On the positive side, tomatoes are high lycopene but it is not the only fruit that produces this healthful nutrient. Lycopene can be found in many other fruits including guavas, watermelons, papayas, and grapefruits just to name a few. So eliminating tomatoes and including these other fresh fruits would be a much healthier alternative to get your lycopene along with many other nutrients without ingesting toxins.
Eggplants, also called aubergines also contain solanine and nicotine like the tobacco plant. Even though the nicotine content is relatively small compared to that of a cigarette, it still accumulates in the body if consumed regularly. Studies on Nicotine have shown that it can increase high blood pressure and also impede the healing of wounds.
Chili peppers, Bell peppers, Paprika
Fruits in this category are known for the heating sensation we get when ingesting them. The substances responsible for this sensation are capsaicinoids. These substances are taught to bind with pain receptors in the mouth and throat and triggering a brain response similar to that of the consumption of something hot. The end result of this reaction is perspiration among others. The cellular energy that the body normally spends moving ions such as calcium ions is thus wasted in the response to a false alarm. People have reported feeling less joint stiffness and arthritis pain after eliminating tomatoes and other nightshades. Although this claim isn't backed by scientific data, it is worth noting in light of all the other adverse effects that come from eating these fruits.
It is one of the most toxic plant in the Eastern Hemisphere. The fruits and the foliage are toxic and deadly, even in small amounts. The toxic compounds present in this plant are atropine, hyoscine (scopolamine), and hyoscyamine. This plant is used by herbalist to extract compounds and make tinctures to ease muscle pain, and as anti-inflammatory medicine.
There are other nightshades plants such as tomatillos, cape gooseberries, wolfberries (a.k.a goji berries), mandrakes. Each contains one of more of the toxic alkoloids we discussed earlier. It is better to avoid these foods unless you are accustomed to their history and their nutritional composition.
It is important to note that, although people in ancient cultures did consume some of these foods, they did so either for medicinal purposes or used them seasonally. In our modern society, these foods are available all year round instead of just 3 or 4 months out of the year. People have become accustomed to eating these foods all year round and have failed to give their bodies enough time to detox from these compounds. It is reported that it can take up to 6 months to fully detox from these alkoloids. But it's my belief that people can experience relief from cutting some of these foods in a matter of weeks.

For more information on nutrition and nutrition facts on potatoes and tomatoes visit

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